Monday, September 21, 2009

School Blues; This is NOT Supposed to Happen!

Yo! This is my second post tonight! Not really a great feat, seeing as the last one was really short. Okay, enough intro, On to the post!

Okay, so I wanted to do this post on the first day of school, but seeing as I didn’t get my computer back until the 17th, that was quite impossible. Okay, so my first day of school was September 9th, and boy, what a day it was. This was supposed to be the best year of H.S. so far and I was damned determine to do it! But alas, that seems not to be the case.

First of all, We got our schedules. Now, let me just tell you this, my high school felt more like a middle school the past two years, (I’m a Junior now, cheers!) because we would travel to the same class with the same people all day, but this year, they switched it up a bit. Its starting to feel a lot like a real High School now because we travel with different people to different classes instead of the same people the entire time. Of course, you can’t suddenly switch to a good thing, without it having a few kinks to work out.

One kink was, of course, the usual confusion. Oh, how we all suffered that first period of the first day in which 72 11th graders all showed up to the same English class. Well, that needed some working out, but the bright side was, I got to stay in the class I wanted to be in with the teacher I wanted to have.

Another kink, grades are mixed. I don’t know about you guys out there, but personally, I don’t appreciate taking the same class in the same room as freshmen, who cannot shut up if I might add, (I cannot believe I was that immature two years ago) but that’s the situation in my school now. Although its not every class, a few is a few more than necessary.

My schedule is mundane. It’s the same thing every single day, with the only variation being 4th period. Here, let me show you:


0PERIOD: U.S. History

1ST PERIOD: English

2ND PERIOD: Chemistry

3RD PERIOD: History of the Community

4TH PERIOD: Mon.- Lab; Tues.&Thurs.- Phys. Ed.; Wed.&Fri.- Drama

5TH PERIOD: Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry

6TH PERIOD: Japanese 3



Okay, how many of you have a Zero Period? That’s kinda odd to me. Not only that, but I assumed 0period was like homeroom or something, but no, it’s a real class… Oh well, at least the teacher is cool. U.S. History gets a thumbs up!

English: A really great class. For once in my HS career, I get an Englsh teacher I actually like. Definite thumbs up!

Chemistry. This one is a toughy. On one hand, the teacher is really cool and I get to blow stuff up, (according to her) but on the other hand, So far, I’m not doing that well.  =[  So right now, I’m waiting to see what else chem throws my way so it can go either way.

History of the Community is a definite thumbs up! A class, with a lot of my friends, where we learn about the amazing history of Flushing, get to help in the restoration of the John Bowne house (google it!) AND get service credit hours for it!? Howe can I not like it! Not to mention, the teacher is awesome!

Lab is okay. Depending on the experiment and how I feel about chem at the time. Phys. Ed. I HATE IT! I do not like Phys. Ed AT ALL! Me and physical fitness do not mix, not to mention we have to do that tedious presidential fitness test or whatever at the beginning of the year. I’m sick and tired of it. Thumbs down! Drama is okay. It promises fun things in the future, but the teacher scares me a little. So far, we aren’t doing much drama-y stuff, but I hope we do soon, or its looking at a thumbs down, but for now; Thumbs up!

Advanced Alg. and Trig. Thumbs DOWN! Why? What’s so bad about algebra? Nothing, except that it HATES me! We’re doing REVIEW, and if you epically fail at REVIEW of what you should know, you know there’s a problem. Lately I seem to be in a funk about everything, after leaving the classroom. The upside? The teacher is cool.

Japanese, and it truely, TRUELY, pains me to say this, gets a thumbs… Down. Normally, Japanese is the highlight of my day. Its what I look forward to. What helps me wake up in the morning, but sadly, that is not the case this year. In order to better explain why, you need some background info.

My school is a new, small school. I am in the second graduating class, which makes this year’s seniors, the first to graduate in the history of the school. It sucks to be second. My freshman year, it was all about the 10th graders. Last year, it was all about the Juniors and now this year, my Junior year, its all about the seniors. Okay, now that you’re up to speed, I can continue.

Last year’s new Japanese teacher left. He no longer teaches at my school, so we had to get a new one. This new teacher, like the old one, is from Japan, the difference, is that she can’t teach. For the last two years, I had the same Japanese teacher. I grew accustomed to his teaching styles and he knows what we do and don’t know because he’s the one that taught us. However, this year, the Japanese 3 and Japanese 4 classes happen at the same time. This is where the seniors come in. Instead of teaching us, the class he’s taught for two years straight, he chooses the seniors because, get this, they’ve already had two different teachers before and adding another different teacher might just screw them over or something like that. Am I sounding selfish? I really don’t mean to, but I take my Japanese very seriously, it’s the reason I applied to my school in the first place, and I will not have my studies ruined by a teacher who does not know what in the hell she is doing! Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure she is a very nice person, but people who can’t teach, shouldn’t. Not to mention, we’re stuck in a small room with a bunch of kids (some freshmen) who cannot shut the hell up! The only up-side to this class, is that we got to watch an episode of Naruto (My anime obsession) and we got to read a few pages of it too. But, if you can ruin an episode of Naruto by showing a bootleg copy of a subbed episode with subs that cause you physical pain (ex: “Hokage-sama” was said. Subtitles read: “Mr. Fire Shadow”. Funny part, Tsunade is Hokage.) my life is taking a turn for the worst. Not to mention, there’s this creepy assistant who BENT MY MANGA! I swear to Kami, my first issue of Naruto was near perfect condition. I don’t think I’ve even opened it, but I brought it to school to help the teacher with the translation and Lurch, the assistant, took it from me, started playing with it and BENT IT! (Fun fact: “IT” in this post is word #1234. XD) Point is, I hate him now and now I’m mad two periods in a row.

Lunch. So late in the day. What makes me angry is that the seniors, vget to leave right about now. Lunch is optional for them. My school is also a middle school, and they get to leave at the end of seventh period too. Not fair!  >=[  The rest of us (9, 10 and 11th graders) have to stay through lunch AND stay for another period known as Academy.

Academy is a mega thumbs DOWN! I see no point to it. Apparently, according to my principal, Academy is a class that can help the high schoolers in subjects they don’t understand and need help in. Okay, but how come the SENIORS don’t have to stay!? Last time I checked, they’re in High School too. Not to mention my academy teacher is my LEAST FAVORITE teacher in the entire school! Why I was forced to be stuck with him, I have no idea. Did I do something wrong? Have I angered the Gods in some way? Is it because I’m Catholic, but I write yaoi fics? I have no idea, but something somewhere is conspiring against me and I don’t like it one bit.  -\\

Up side to this year? I have (mostly) cool teachers. We have the entire fourth floor to ourselves now and I still get to bug my little sis at lunch. (She’s a freshman)

Down sides? The reason for me going to the school I go to now, has completely backfired and I now find myself lost in the world, without knowing where to go from here, I have to stay in school for two more pointless periods than I’d like and I’m probably already failing two classes and its not even the third week of school yet.

My life has gone to crap on what was supposed to be the best year of my life so far and I’m not happy in the least. I’ll see if I can get something changed around here, (The teachers love me, especially with all the hours I’ve spent helping out after school lately) but until then, I’ll mope and complain for as long as I want because I’m allowed to because I’ve been screwed over more times than I’m used to. I’m sure that there are people out there who have it a lot harder than I do right now and are making the best of what you got, and I respect you for it, but I’ve lived a sheltered life and my world has just been turned upside down and I’m not liking it at all. This is the most important year of my life, and if my grades epically suck, then I can kiss my future goodbye.

I think that’s all I’m gonna say for now. Feel free to leave me opinions about what you think, flames about me being a retard, sympathy for stuff or whatever and until next time, Ja ne!

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