Sunday, September 20, 2009

Geez Louise

I just realized that it has been over two weeks (or more) since I last posted.

I failed to do a b-day post for our sweet Little Miss who turned SEVEN on Sept. 6.  Oh me oh my how can that be?!?!?!

I also failed to throw her a party.

I don’t even know where to begin. Let’s see……

We have finished up week four of school.  We received the children’s progress reports and so far they are all making staright A’s.  Hope that continues.  Our son is doing amazingly well academically.  He LOVES school and adores his teachers.  He lacked motivation last year to put forth much effort but for some reason, this year he is very motivated.  We are so thrilled!  He is struggling a bit socially (not that this surprises us).  We had his ARD on Thursday and were happy to agree to dismiss him from articulation speech therapy.  Boy, has he come a long way!  He still lacks a lot of social language and emotional maturity so we consented to further evaluations, mainly to target if he is indeed on the autism spectrum.  I have suspected this since he was a baby.  We shall see……..

Pumpkin is thriving in her new school.  She has made friends with several great little gals.  She tried out for honor choir and was ecstatic to learn that she made it.

Little Miss is doing well too.  She has had a few color changes (i.e., behavior infractions) but overall is adjusting well.  Her teacher is fantastic and very strict (just what our daughter needs!).  The girls LOVE riding the bus to Nana and Papa’s house once or twice a week.  I am shocked that I allow this but I know the bus driver well (he is the assistant superintendent).  He assured me that he knew exactly where my parents live and would guarantee they got where they needed to be.  I love when they ride the bus too because I have time alone in my classroom.

On September 2 I was able to place large orders for items for my classroom.  I am starting a new program so I started with NOTHING.  All of my items have arrived and it has felt like Christmas.

The husband is crazy busy at work developing the child sponsorship program and preparing for another great summer in Zambia. By the way, the husband informed me yesterday that his boss wants him in Zambia for 11 weeks next summer.  ELEVEN!  That means the children and I would most likely be there for 7 weeks or more!  A lot to think about……

I enjoy teaching pre-k.  It is a VERY hands-on job but it fits me like a glove (no pun intended).  I am still adjusting to my new position AND working full time.  I so miss having Fridays off.  The weekends fly by and many things remain undone.  I am trying not to let that fact bother me.

My sweet, sweet man kept our kids PLUS my friend’s two boys so that she and I could spend some quality time together tonight.  Now that I work full time, I have a hard time doing “me” things like playing with friends AND doing all the required duties that accompany my roles as mom, wife, and teacher.  I was also blessed to spend time with a friend from out of town on Thursday night.  We did not get much sleep but it was well worth it since I had not seen her in SEVEN years.  I am so richly blessed by the people God has placed in my life!!!!

Well, I best get to bed.  Our church services have changed so we now attend the 8:30am service.  After lunch, I will go to school and work and work.  I don’t understand how I feel like I live up there during the week and still need to go back on the weekend!  I am learning as I go!!!

So that is a not-so-brief update of what’s been going on.  I’ll post again . . . in another few months.  (Maybe sooner.)

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