Sunday, November 29, 2009

MIL in town!

My MIL (mother in-law or monster in-law)  is in town. I wish I could have been a tad bit more excited about it but I’m not. You know why?

a)She’s always asking me to do something or be someone I’m not.

b)She’s always gentle in her speech yet has a very subtle assertive undertone. How come I’m the only one who notices that?

c) She asked me to make more home cooked food. Who does that? I don’t like to be ‘told’ to cook. I’m the cook in this house. Nobody messes with the cook of the house. That’s given right.

So I could go on and on but the point is she’s visiting us for 10 days and somehow she’s not decisive on when. She’s flipflopping between March/April. Exactly the time when I planned on a vacation to Japan. EVERBODY knows that is the best time to visit Japan! Why god why!

On top of that my father in-law MIGHT join her around the same time and he wants ME to chauffeur him around town. Seriously I’m beginning to see tweety birds in my head. This isn’t happening!

What does my husband have to say regarding this? “Call MIL more often”… Like 2-3 times a week so we develop a ‘connection’. Seriously? After all this? No.

At the moment she’s in Texas visiting her elder son and wife. It’s unfair cuz now there will be parallels drawn between the 30 something daughter in-law vs the 23 yr old (fashion junkie) daughter in-law. Obviously if I were her I’d pick the fashion junkie…but alas it’s not going to be.

My sister in-law is just really gracious and some how is ‘daughter in-law’ material. She’s past 30 and never wore heels. What else can she be apart from a ‘great’ daughter in-law? Plus she’s a doctor. I am not. I don’t even have a degree yet.  How convenient right? At least I’m well dressed, well spoken (good grammar) and brutally honest. And I love silk.

I thought marriages were between two people who love each other and not between the family and the bride!



Vad är det för fel på mig? Den här natten drömde jag att Paula dog i en bilolycka i Shanghai och natten innan drömde jag att mamma dog i cancer. Hallå? Nu vet jag hur mamma känner sig! Haha. Hon drömmer ju såna drömmar hela tiden. Inte kul. Hade en period innan då jag drömde att Paul gjorde slut med mig typ varje natt. Lite destruktiv eller?

Hoppas mina konstiga men ofarliga drömmar kommer tillbaka snart.

Igår gick jag och Paul ut och åt med James och en annan Emma (som han träffade på Raisin weekend). Vi gick till the Peppercorn Grill. Jag drack jordgubbs-margarita och åt fajitas. :D sen drog vi vidare till the Byre Theatre där vi lyssnade på ett jazzband i deras lounge och drack fler drinkar. Himla mysigt. Drog oss tillbaka till James där vi fick vin och choklad (whiskey och choklad för killarna) och hamnade i en väldigt het debatt om musik och att reproducera musik elektroniskt. Jag tyckte att jag och Emma hade rätt, iaf. Teknik-nördarna fattade inte riktigt grejen. Hehe…

Idag är Paul på match i Edinburgh och jag bestämde mig för att inte följa med! De kommer tillbaka för sent och jag vill inte missa luciarepet ikväll. Eller, jag KAN inte missa det, jag är ju trots allt körledare ^^ ska ner och julhandla nästa vecka istället! Idag måste jag skriva en del av min labbrapport och förbereda lite andra saker. Och självklart gosa ner mig under täcket och kolla på en film. Imorgon är jag ledig också!



map the swine

In the past week, 9 Korean celebrities have be struck by swine flu.  They attract the flu like Edward Cullen attracts hormone crazy, obviously blind, fan girls (and the occasional fan boy).

So why are Korean celebs so prone to catching the ‘oinkz’?

7th September, SS501 leader and part-time flower boy Kim Hyun Joong is the first k-celeb (as far as I know) to be diagnosed with swine flu. Oh noes.  Where/who did he get it from?  The answer lies in Hong Kong.  Hyun Joong was spotted in HK with a couple of ladies around 18th August outside a bar.  As everyone knows, HK is like a playground for flu and pandemics in the past decade.  No doubt one of the ladies passed it on when they were getting their kimchi on.

Since then, almost 20 k-celebs have caught the virus:

14th October, K.Will
27th October, 2AM Jo Kwon
3rd November, Gavy NJ’s maknae Noh Shi Hyun
6th November, 2AM Jinwoon
7th November, SHINee Onew
10th November, Lee Seung Gi
19th November, Queen Seon Duk’s Kim Nam Gil
22nd November, Queen Seok Duk’s Lee Seung Hyo
23rd November, f(x) Amber, Krystal, Sulli
23rd November, Wheesung
25th November, MBLAQ Lee Joon
26th November, SHINee Taemin
26th November, MBLAQ Thunder
26th November, Kim Joon

You would think that with tamiflu and other preventative measures, the rate of catching swine flu among celebs would actually decrease.

Of the list above, 76% are male.  A lot of netizens have commented that swine flu is either feminine, or gay.  How uneducated.  What does swine flu do to the person?  Strike them down, making them lethargic, loss of appetite, fever just to name a few of the symptoms, and in the worst case, death.  I don’t think the ladies out there want their eye-candy to die.  I hope not anyway.

If swine flu had a sex, it’s definitely sporting a huge Y chromosome.  Attack them boys, leaving only hot k-ladies.



Saturday, November 28, 2009

Games of Chance

After spending more time and money than I have either of designing various chance cards,  inserting bearings into laser cut plastic discs and cutting wood, I have built a biased wheel. The follow-up to my first wheel of chance has gone wrong in that, it has a slight wobble, which causes it to stop in or around the same position every time. No good for generating random results.

After spending a day pulling my hair out and getting back to the drawing board, I found a great article  about Murphy, a Random Mechanical Cascade Machine, built in the late 1970’s to test theories of chance and randomness (and the difficulties that man has in playing along).

Read the article here


Raya Orders

Order for Sabrina. Mix red velvet & carrot walnut with creamcheese topping.


Ina ordered mix flavors of mini cheesecake, red velvet & carrot walnut with creamcheese topping.



Add Maths? What?

Add Maths Paper killed me. I was at the verge of crying by the time I answering Section B, Paper 2.

Sighhh but what’s done is done.

Next paper is Art and Physics! Art only starts this Wednesday, which only explains the updated blog :p

..On other things, I watched 2012 in Penang yesterday. The movie scared the hibibijibies out of me with what not CALIFORNIA going down and my own end of the world dream where I was at LOS ANGELES and there was going to be a huge flood.

Aha ~

New Moon was…an enjoyable movie. Taylor Lautner shirtless in a one hour and a half movie? What else can a girl ask for? But the crowds’ reaction was priceless la. My sister and I had a good laugh watching movie with all the cheesy scenes and etc.

Okay I will continue blogging when SPM is OFFICIALLY OVER. I am only online nowadays to stalk on SHINee boys anyway

p/s: Taemin has Swine Flu! NOOOO


Thursday, November 26, 2009

its thanksgiving again.

im all about lists lately, so here we go again. im thankful for…

1. grace. i screw up way to often.
2. family. my family is awesome. my mom and dad are such strong folks. my grandma is a very bold and strong woman who after losing her husband of 68 years earlier this year continues to invest in those around her just like she did when patray was alive. my in-laws are amazing. such loving people who always care and want the best for those around them. i am very, very thankful for the fact that our entire family gets along.
3. friends. i am glad that kimb and i have a few close-knit friends that we can always hangout with. having a core group of friends is very important b/c there is always company. i am also thankful for the destin trip over spring break that we are taking with some of these friends.
4. i am thankful for my jobs. i am thankful for our church where i work as youth pastor, mugz coffee bar where i am the morning barista, and of course the face that people will pay me to take their portraits ( i have learned so much during this past year about jobs. my father and brother both were laid off from their jobs and i have learned the importance of the little things. not putting so much focus on money of the material things we have in life, but instead putting this focus on the people we spend life with.
5. i am thankful for jeff and andy and the fact that we have bikes to ride and paved roads to ride them on. hanging out with these two guys keeps me on my toes. we graduated high school together so much of the conversations revolve around high school jokes and how well we have done with ourselves after high school.
6. i am thankful for our house. a place to sleep as well as a place to offer to our friends if they need a place. i cant wait till we decide to add to our family with our children and the one God has set aside for us to adopt. oh yes, and im thankful for our springer spaniel, Lucy.
7. i am thankful for my wife. she keeps me on my toes and inspires me to be a better man every day, even though im sure she is not even aware that she is doing it. ill get there babe….i promise.

im thankful.


I Am The Walrus

Een opzettelijk gecreëerde absurditeit roept op tot speculatie, interpretatie en discussie. 
Ook over The Beatles’ Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey gaan heel wat mensen in discussie op fora op het internet. Ik zie John Lennon gniffelen in zijn graf.

Lennon received a letter from a pupil at Quarry Bank Grammar School, which he had attended. The writer mentioned that the English master was making his class analyse Beatles’ lyrics. (Lennon wrote an answer, dated 1 September 1967, which was auctioned by Christie’s of London in 1992.) Lennon, amused that a teacher was putting so much effort into understanding The Beatles’ lyrics, wrote the most confusing lyrics he could. Lennon’s friend and former fellow member of The Quarrymen, Peter Shotton, was visiting, and Lennon asked Shotton about a playground nursery rhyme they sang as children.

“Yellow matter custard, green slop pie, All mixed together with a dead dog’s eye, Slap it on a butty, ten foot thick, Then wash it all down with a cup of cold sick“.

Lennon borrowed a couple of words, added the three unfinished ideas and the result was “I Am the Walrus”. The Beatles’ official biographer Hunter Davies was present while the song was being written and wrote an account in his 1968 biography of The Beatles. Lennon remarked to Shotton, “Let the fuckers work that one out.” Shotton was also responsible for suggesting to Lennon to change the lyric “waiting for the man to come” to “waiting for the van to come”.

Zie Wikipedia voor de volledige tekst.


U 8 sum what?

Hey guys, just thought I’d give you a little bit of an update, you know, I gotta keep up on these blog posts.  So what this is going to be is just a quick little overview of what I’ve been up to lately

- I’ve almost finished reading the book “Lovely Bones” by Alice Sebold.  It’s a good book- but I’m hesitant you say that.  You know what I mean, right?  You read a book and really enjoy it, then you suggest it to someone, and when they read it they just associate all of its contents with you.  That’s what I am afraid of here (there is a creepy pedofile in this book- not something I want to be associated with!) But, if you are mature enough to not read too much into the fact that I am suggesting this book, I would really encourage you to read it.

By the way, one thing that really sparked my interest in finishing it (I sort of gave up for a bit) was going to see New Moon (ick) and before hand seeing the preview for “Lovely Bones” which is being turned into a movie.  I am excited to see how that goes over.

- Someone told me a cheesy “i 8 sum pi” joke as well, which I thought was hilarious.  Here for more information. Thank-you to Apathetic Thursday :)

- I had a terrible movie theater experience!  Maybe that’s why I didn’t really enjoy New Moon…?  During the movie, which I went to see a few days ago with my sister, this girl was CONSTANTLY walking past me, getting in the way of the movie.  Like, at least once every 10 minutes!  My theories are she either she had really bad diarrhea but still wanted to watch the movie, so kept running to the washroom OR she was on two dates at once, so she had to run from theater to theater, making an appearance with both boyfriends.  For vengeance sake, lets hope she had diarrhea.  But seriously, she was ridiculous.  She was booting peoples popcorn over and knocking over drinks in this movie.  Luckily I did not have any popcorn at this movie.  At one point she even tripped over my legs and fell on me.  At least she was apologetic.  But still, all I can say is: Next time get an isle seat.  For everyones sake.

Anyways, that’s all of my interesting/uninteresting news.  Until next time,



Tuesday, November 24, 2009

help anyone?

gosh, my life is rather exciting these days. after having my hair dryer go up in smokes and my bag being glued to the floor AND finding out i need glasses (and how expensive these things can get), i walked into work yesterday thinking it can’t get much worse.


there was a bloody accident and for some reason the ones who are the designated first responders at work did not quite function how i think a first responder should act. you know, saying things like “wow, that’s a lot of blood”, and “you look like you got stabbed” surely does not help the situation. good grief. i ended up taking care of one of the injured, a colleague watched the other one, clearly afraid of the blood.

i mean it was not a butcher-like situation. it’s the usual, it looks worse than it actually is. but what was the most annoying is the bystanders who didn’t do stuff. they did not offer to help, yet they also did not just disappear into their offices. gosh, sometimes people are a pain.

the whole situation got my adrenalin flowing. for hours afterwards, i was still hyped. and despite wanting to go to bed early i couldn’t sleep. the whole scene just kept rolling and rolling in my head.

i decided to volunteer for first responder at work. this is not a situation i want anyone to be in again. anyone with cut wounds or whatever pain needs someone acting fast, calm, and someone who knows what they are doing.

if you would be at a loss, go take a first aid/cpr class! it’s worth your time, trust me.

today was rather calm compared to this excitement. i’m waiting for my glasses to be done so i can pick them up and look all snazzy :-)



End of exams!

My exams is overrrrrrr! Muahahahahahaaa.

Well, not that I’ve really been that hardworking anyway, it feels so much like holidays to me during the exams period XDDD

I can now play my DS and watch my HK dramas guilt free!

I’m going out gai gai tomorrow, and work for Thursday till Sunday. I see $$$ :D

But gonna continue with FYP from next week onwards. I haven’t update my mentor for 1 month. She’s going to condemn me if I slacked any further.

But~ yea for holidays! :D


Choir Camp & hairstyle

yesterday was JWSS choir’s senior appreciation as well as choir camp so went there and get HIGH! =P

we took group photo and also have a chit chat session. hehe

Best part is taking photo still i guess =D

Photobucket the junior


the senior


everybody! =D


cindy me mun mun. do you notice all 3 of us cut bang




cheng with his card



hehe.. welcome *shy*


they macham like get marry then cut cake like that


the 4 of us! From sec sch to rp. HA!





junior. I just randomly went into the choir room and get them to take photo with me.


C for Choir. and crystal =PP



just as we are leaving, the other guys came – . -l|


lately i’ve been playing with my hair and styling them.

i tried styling “spring Undo”, awesome! hehe i like it. Thank God my mom have those flower accessories.

got take photo but not very clear and gonna style it again soon =P


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Marv Albert vs Curtis Jackson???

Aiight, when my brother told me this story, I thought he way lying:  Marv Albert got into a confrontation with 50 Cent’s entourage at the Jimmy Kimmel Show!!! This is by far one of the weirdest stories I’ve ever heard.

Granted, I didn’t know Marv was in the streets like that, but obviously Curtis’ crew had some inside info.  As you can see, Marv is no stranger to the bing, so I don’t blame those guys for not taking ANY chances – even backstage at the Jimmy Kimmel Show!  Gotta make sure Curtis doesn’t get hit with that 10th bullet or otherwise them dudes ain’t eatin no more!

Check after the jump for the full story.

50 Cent’s Entourage And Marv Albert Butt Heads At ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’

By Matt Thompson

In perhaps one of the oddest moments of the week, 50 Cent’s crew got tangled up with longtime basketball announcer Marv Albert backstage at “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on Wednesday (November 18). 50 and Marv both appeared on the show that night, and according to the Los Angeles Times, Albert received a chilly reception from 50’s entourage when he arrived at the studio. Apparently, they didn’t recognize the venerable voice of the NBA, and they were under the impression he was trying to impose on 50’s interview. So when the broadcaster entered the building, what went down? Punches were thrown, obscenities were spat out and things got quite hostile.

Although the details remain unclear, the 68-year-old Albert was in the middle of it all. Even when a Kimmel staffer identified Albert, 50’s entourage remained unswayed. Somehow, Albert got out of there unscathed, remarking, “Did you see that? I thought they were kidding, then I realized they weren’t.”

Both Albert and 50 were interviewed later and neither made any reference to the incident. In their defense, most people know Albert’s voice more than his face. In fact, Albert could have probably avoided the whole incident had he simply shouted “LeBron James for three! Yes!”



What Facebook has done!

Some random status updates on my homepage yesterday…

Anonymous: What is the syllabus for …. marketing?

Charu comment: What Facebook does to people! Sigh!

Comment: First 10 chaps!

Charu comment: Get a Life!


Anonymous: Its 1 at night and I want to eat something? Any Ideas?

Comment 1: Maggi!

Charu Comment: NAILS!

Comment 2: Sandwich?

Anonymous Comments: @Charu : What were you thinking?

Charu Comment: What Facebook does to people! Sigh!

P.S. Mid semester exams begin tomorrow!




















Saturday, November 21, 2009

And Editorial and a Bird and Some Spinny Lines

We’ll start off with the bird and the spinny lines:




I made the crane last night while watching the 3rd to last episode of Monk EVER (Cries) and White Collar (A show about a criminal guy who dresses AWESOME). I thought this was a cool idea. Cranes now symbolize peace, Sadako Chan, and the Twilight Zone. I don’t know.



Yesterday I went to a club for people who like Japanese stuff. It was fun. We watched episode 3 of Avatar and two episodes of this really weird show called “Wolf’s Rain”. Let me tell you about it:


Its very futuristic and wolves are ‘extinct’. Aparently there’s some legend that paradise, only the wolves will be able to find it. Oh, and wolves are aparently magical…yeah. So, these wolves are basically hiding in the city where they think paradise is hidden or something weird. But they can make everybody see them as people. It was weird, bloody, violent, cussing, PG-13, and WEIRD, but somewhat interesting. Eh. Very cliff-hanger-y. And the plot is just weird. And it bugs me. I’m Christian so a lot of plots of TV shows/movies/books can bug me. I mean…I would like to know what’s going on (Its confusing in the TV show) but I’m not like, in love with it.




Well…that’s it. Small update. I have lots of fun commissions to do. A few biggies, and some normal ones. And a book report. I’m doing a book called “A Taste for Rabbit”. GREAT book. And I’m listening to my Emo playlist for drawing dramatic things. It’s called DRAMATIK. CREATIVE GEINUS! lol. And no, S (Its a girl I know), I know I’m technically using Emo in the wrong context…But some of these drawing I do are SAAAD!! And these people look emo. I dunno…


All that you see, much more than you SMLLAAAARRRG, Bring it o back, bring it on back, bring it on baaaaack!!


-Agent M


i told you i'm a dreamer.

i told the sun to send you my smile
i told the air to send you my hug to make this worthwhile
i told the rain to send you my kiss
i told the universe you’re the one i miss.
i told the trees to send you my prayer
i told the universe to take care
of you, because you’re one so rare.
so i told the sea to send you back my way,
i told the sea to send you back to me.

I Heart Brown Dog

My dog chases possums.  She trees them.  She corners them.  She barks at them, while they glare at her from the top of the fence.

No amount of shouting deters her.  Their hissing she ignores.  Flying flip flops?  Unfazed.

Tonight, she came in from her rendezvous with the possum… covered in green.  All over her paws, legs, her belly, her FACE.  Apparently, in addition to possums, we have some weed in the yard that Brown Dog gravitates toward.  And she brought most of it back in the house with her.

So, now I have a dog that I have been yelling at for an interminable period of time to leave the damn possum alone, who has tracked green weeds onto my (relatively) clean floor… She knows how to push my buttons, that is certain.

But I’ll be damned if I didn’t end up laughing at her as I brushed all of the green stuff off…

I mean just look at her.  Ridiculous.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm blaming hormones.

I swear, I don’t have a single coherent thought. I feel my very nerve endings screaming in stress, but I’m not. I’m not worried about anything, but I should be, and I can’t think about them. What good would worrying do? I have choices, there is no worry. And see? That thought process is not very coherent, or incoherent?

I, quite often, don’t make sense. Just ask Jason. Wouldn’t that be fun? Wait, I can give you his answer, “Huh? What?”. I noticed last night, it’s his standard response, and now I’m doing it too. See, Jason and I constantly miscommunicate, it’s a source of humor now. *It has to be, otherwise we’d run screaming from the room*

I don’t hear well. He doesn’t hear well. This is going to work in our favor as we age, I just know it. As I became aware of this last night, when I said, “Huh?” before I actually listened to what he was saying (oh, that’s bad!). I realized, I heard what he said, as he was repeating it. Um. Oops. In my defense, I suspect he does the same thing to me, which is why we both do it. Got all that?  Huh?

I started a different post this morning, but I didn’t want to finish it (right now). I stayed up late watching a movie with Jason, which explains my muddled thought process. I have the dreaded Aunt Flo visit any moment, any second.  It’s not going to be pretty, at least the first day or two, until I put her in her place, stuff her trap with chocolate and pasta, and send her cranky butt packing.

Also, a few weeks ago, I found out from my yearly visit -  yes you ladies know – THAT one.  I have an elevated Thyroid. Uh, Yay? I’ve been expecting that for a while. My mom has Grave’s disease. She has osteoporosis as well. I am just a chip off the old block. Loveyou meanit.

At least now,  I know why 40 degrees is comfortable, and anything else is blasted HOT. Turn on the A/C – where’s my face fan?  Why are you wearing a coat? Yeah, that explains all that. And can I just apologize to my roommates and Sydney? I’m sorry, but the heater is not allowed on unless it’s below freezing outside. I repeat, I’m sorry.

I go see the Endocrinologist the first week of December to see what is going on, and if it matches what Dr. Peters believes (Graves). Sad thing is, an elevated Thyroid should make you lose weight. Not this chickie, but I do think I’d be TWICE as big if I didn’t have an elevated one. So, there’s a plus (and a pun, heh).

Thanksgiving is next week, a lot of people are making their -  what I’m thankful for lists. My mom is talking about visiting, which would be amazing. Last time she mentioned that, she couldn’t come, honestly, I don’t want to get my hopes up, but that’d be the top of my thankful list! Oh yeah.

And, last night, totally unexpected, my favorite post was featured, on The Bold Life. I am too lazy to link it, you can find it under the Joys of Writing tab, or you can go to Tess Marshall’s site, via My Favorite Blogs, over there somewhere —————> or even ^ up there, in What I’m reading tab, which is her book, Flying by the Seat of my Soul, one of the books I’m reading. It is AWESOME. It means so much to me that she would share my link on her site.

The post link is the story of my step dad who died, August 2008. A Father’s Love. The mention of this story, this time of the month especially, just brings on the waterworks. He was my safety net. Without him,  I always feel – I’m walking the tightrope – on my own. There is no net, no crash pad, no rescue, just vacant free-falling to the floor. In other words, I MISS him, sooo much.

But, I am not alone. Jason is the strongest, most vigilant, and loyal sponsor (thanks, Wilma)  I have ever had (besides God). He is completely reliable, 100%. If I was a needy person, he’d be there for me. I’m not, at least, I try not to be (maybe to a fault). I don’t need saving or rescuing (the old me did, but didn’t know it). I guess it was just the comfort of my step dad being there, a back up, an extra pair of batteries, a just in case.

Obviously, I am very capable. I have lived on my own since age 17.  Paid my own bills, supported a family, and I didn’t even rely on child support. There were some years, I didn’t even GET child support, so I couldn’t rely on it. Don’t mistake that for not appreciating it. I do appreciate it. It helps greatly, but it’s not necessary for my survival. I don’t think I could be that dependent, nor would I want to be (prideful much?).

As you can see, this is not a normal post for me. I have a lot of things on my mind. As joyful as the holidays are, they can be hard for me. I had an ectopic pregnancy one Thanksgiving, surgery that December. The last time I saw my grandmother alive was last Thanksgiving.  This is my second Thanksgiving without my step dad. As thankful as I am, I can’t help but remember.

In the works, I have some great life stories I’m working on…Life with a broken right hand amidst, a downward spiral of the economy (why yes, I am right handed, not to mention that I type for a living). All reservations are booked by computer, air, car, hotel – all – have to be typed in. It’s too good not to blog about it. The Survival.

Another story, at Christmas 2007, about a very good friend of mine and what her family did for me and Sydney. I will never forget it.  You will be astounded by the Christmas spirit that visited us.

So can we all take a big deep breath? (iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn oooooooooooouuuut)  Ahhhh, that’s better (yes, Peggy, I need to get to Yoga class). Thank YOU, if you are reading this, if you comment. I appreciate you more than you know. I don’t have any immediate family members that read my blog (except my daughter sometimes, hi sweetie, I love you! and Jason because I make him- Did you read my blog yet? Did you? How about now?).

So you, YES YOU, dear, kind, precious reader. Give yourself a hug and smile, from me (if you’re there-I can’t see through this box).  Words can not convey what you mean, I know there are so many talented, and creative blogs out there. That you chose to read mine is humbling beyond measure.

Fellatio has nothing to do with stamp collecting.

Following on from my blog regarding my recent attendance of an evening class in pottery for beginners, I was thinking it might be time to take up a hobby.

I’ve drawn up a list, so if anyone could give me any advice and guidance as to what might be suitable for a fiftysomething male I’d appreciate your thoughts.




Pigeon fancying.

Crown green bowling.

Country and Western dancing.

Making models out of used matchsticks.

Thanksgiving is Next Week

So I found out this afternoon Thanksgiving is next week.  Holy crap.  I thought it was the week after that.  I mean, I knew the date and all, but I never put 2 and 2 together.   So that about freaks me out.

This morning I went shopping for a couple hours.  That was before I found out Thanksgiving is next week.  I would not have gone if I had known beforehand.  I should have stayed home working.  At the very least I could have bought some food for next week.

I’ve got orders coming out the wazzoo and keep thinking I have more time to do them than I really do.  Maybe that’s called denial?  *sigh*  Oh, and my family is coming over for Thanksgiving dinner next week.  Not my mother, if you were wondering.  She’s in FL w/o my dad (who will be here) and still isn’t talking to me (I like it that way).

Tomorrow I will be buckling down and painting my arse off.  And continuing to do that for the next month.  If ya got any spare time and want to help, LMK

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Foppa. Alltid denna Foppa. Men för en gångs skull tänker jag inte gnälla på han. Tvärtom. Det han gör för modo. Ojoj. Hjärta hjärta och åter hjärta.
Först skänka pengar till laget. Sen erbjuda sig att spela gratis.
Det är stort. Det är hjärta. Det är ett stort jävla hjärta.

Inte nog med det. Två perioder, tre ass och modo leder med 4-0. Mot brynäs.
Modo spelar bra, brynäs ..inte så bra. Lite orolig blir man ju inför torsdag. Förhoppningsvis bjuder vi på mer motstånd än vad brynäs har gjort hittills.

One of my FIRST in my lifetime..


It’s infuriating. I really wonder who took it! I really don’t mind losing it but the pictures of ern when she is born are ALL GONE! Never mind that it costs me a whopping $700 when it was first launched… the memories are priceless… yes. I lost my phone. I have never lost it before and the feeling really sucks – BIG TIME!

Sigh… maybe the only good thing is that I will be geting a new phone. I phone that is. Hubby will be taking me to get it tomorrow morning. I really should be happy .. hubby’s phone isn’t in a tip top condition (second hand somemore) but yet he didnt get a new phone for himself and once he learnt that I lost my phone he suggested i phone immediately. I do have a doting husband indeed : )

Ok Im still new in this wordpress thingy so will try out some stuff and see how it works.


Idag, tisdag 17 nov, klockan 19.00 på Spegeln i Malmö visas Let’s get Lost, en dokumentär om Chet Baker. Den visas i samband med Sensurroundfestivalen, i samarbete med Cinemateket.

“En av världens i särklass vackraste och sorgligaste dokumentärfilmer, om jazzikonen Chet Baker och hans nedstigning i heroinhelvetet. Förutom trumpetlegenden själv med en röstoch ett spel som ömsom skär i din märg och ömsom smeker din själ, träffar vi Chris Isaak, William Claxton, Lisa Marie, Bakers familj m fl.”

“Kärleksfullt porträtt av Bruce Weber, en av världens främsta modefotografer, där vi följer en ung och bildskön Chet Baker i stillbilder från 50-talet, då han spelade med den tidens jazzgiganter, till den vrakspillra som 58 år gammal går hädan 1988. Väven binds ihop av intressanta intervjuer med vänner, familjen, hans barn och ex-fl ickvän, musiker med flera, varvat med såväl tidiga spelningar som de på slutet från hans brokiga karriär. Filmen nominerades för en Oscar och prisades i Venedig och av IDA.”

Dessutom visas i samma veva klockan 21.10 tre kortfilmer av D. A. Pennebaker.
D. A. Pennebaker | USA 1953 | 5 min
Experimentell kortfilm, och Pennebakers genombrott inom musikfilmgenren, med scener från New Yorks tunnelbana till tonerna av Duke Ellington. Enligt Pennebaker själv är det en av hans absolut bästa filmer.
D. A. Pennebaker | USA 1989 | 18 min
Skildrar den makalösa sångaren Otis Reddings hela spelning på Monterey Pop Festival 1967, där han bl a framför en fantastisk version av Satisfaction. Otis Redding dog sex månader efter denna konsert.
D. A. Pennebaker, Chris Hegedus & David Dawkins | USA 1986 | 48 min
Legendariska konsertbilder från Jimi Hendrix Experience på Monterey Pop Festival 1967. I filmen medverkar även John Lennon, Janis Joplin, Mick Jagger, Brian Jones m fl. Konserten gavs även ut som ett livealbum med samma namn 1986.”

De citerade texterna om filmerna är hämtade ur Sensurrounds program som ni hittar som pdf här.

Bara ett tips. Jag ska dit i alla fall. Det kanske kommer upp mer om andra göttigheter Sensurround presenterar under veckans gång. Peace out.

För mer info:

Sunday, November 15, 2009 of rest?

Not for this family! 

Today was my turn to sleep in, but I didn’t get to sleep in much because JonJon slept til 8:30am today!  Woo Hoo.. First thing I said to Mike was check J for a fever.  He never sleeps in unless he’s sick.  No fever.  Thank you Lord! 

Mike and JonJon make some breakfast and Mike brings Jonjon back to our room and J says “Mommy, i burned my fingwer”  I said oh no let me see it!  It didn’t look bad.  Just a little red.  Mike said that JonJon was helping him cook breakfast and they were trying to flip the pancakes and JonJon’s right ring and pinky fingers touched the hot griddle.   They didn’t seem to be bothering him so we ate breakfast.  JonJon said he had to potty so I took him in the bathroom and while he was pottying I looked at his fingers.  They were blistered now!   Great! 

Looked up what to do in my taking care of yourself book.  It said to apply cold and give Tylenol.  We tried the Tylenol and he wouldn’t take any.  BUT he did hold the teddy bear icepack on his hand.  Then it said to take him to the dr.  JonJon said at first his fingers didn’t hurt, but then he started scratching at them.  I didn’t want him to pop the blister open and since he said it was starting to hurt, we went ahead and went to the ER.

I dread the ER.  Seems like every time we go, we have an unGodly wait.  This time I was pleasantly surprised.  Got in the back with in a few minutes of walking in the door.  He was triaged within about 15 mins after we got in the back.  Then we were taken to the Winnie the Pooh room and after about 5 mins, the Dr walks in.  Takes a look at his hand, had him move his fingers.  Said we’d have to put silvadine on it once a day and keep it wrapped for about 3-4 days.  He leaves.  The nurse and a nursing student come in about 5 mins later.  Put the silvadine on, wrap his hand, I signed his discharge paperwork and we were out the door.  We left our house at 10:30 am and got home about 11:30.  That is the quickest we’ve ever been in and out of the ER!

So, of course I took a picture of JonJon with his hand all bandaged up!!

I have had to re-wrap it 4 times since we’ve been home!  He’s been down for a nap since’s now 2:45 and I can still hear him thru the monitor moving around.  I hope he doesn’t bother the bandage.  So we’ll see if he even naps!  Cross your fingers that he does!

Linus Van Pelt Is Dead

Snoopy’s The Beatles

I was looking through an old stack of CD’s and found one called “Snoopy’s The Beatles” which is an album of Beatles songs played with musical toys, so that kids can enjoy The Beatles at an early age! The cover shows Lucy,Linus,Snoopy, and Charlie Brown on the “Abbey Road” cover, and if you look closely you can see Linus is out of step. So i guess he’s dead. ;o

I was quite amazed how well they did it! Enjoy listening to the Child’s version of The Beatles .

Saturday, November 14, 2009


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Stars and TVs And Stuff


When I look at the stars I think of my TV.

It will end up somewhere that I will never visit.



note: I’m not trying to be pessimstic … maybe I will visit the stars one day … but I’m sure I’m not going to visit my crap TV.

double note: when the space shuttle Challenger blew up everyone was shocked, but my mother said, “What a way to go.“
I don’t know what that has to do with anything, but it’s something.

triple note: I may have put on 4 entries today for some reason that I can’t explain easily.


notes to myself #57

You will become a lot of things you rebel against, but it’s not all bad: time is a harsh mistress … but fair.

Friday Random Thoughts

Friday night has officially become random thought night where I spill my guts on the random things I’m thinking about. It may seem jumbled, it may seem worthless but you know that it is random.

Tomorrow is Saturday. That means for most red blooded American men that we are going to wake up to a full day of college football. For us in Ohio there are two possible outcomes. 1. We can mourn or celebrate a Cincinnati win or loss to West Virginia or, 2. We can prepare for the game that will determine whether the Buckeyes (OH!) are going to the Rose Bowl for the first time in Jim Tressel’s tenure (I-O!). Since I couldn’t give a darn about cincy, it’s all about the Buckeyes baby. My prediction is that the Buckeyes D will show up AGAIN and our O will get it rolling. We’ll be heading to the Rose Bowl by 6:00 P.M. with a 31-10 win.

Politics can be a depressing issue. However it is one that I follow and cover with gusto since it affects the lives of millions of Americans everyday. The latest tidbit is that Janet Napolitano is pushing amnesty again over the objections of the American people. She has declared victory over illegal immigration and states that now is the time to push comprehensive immigration reform. Ultimately there could be a bill by 2010.

I cannot understand guys who think they look good in long hair. Where do they get these notions? The only guys that look good with long hair are Guy Penrod from The Gaithers and… well if I think of any more I’ll let you know.

Technology certainly has progressed since even three years ago. Windows 7 is the best thing my 3 year old laptop has seen. It is stable, fast, responsive, compatible and aesthetically pleasing. While my PC ran okay with Vista, it screams with 7. The networking is easier, the programs are more responsive and Lord knows the UAC is better. My vote is that this is the best Windows version in a very long time. Maybe tied with XP and WORLDS better than Vista.

On a more somber note, we are now finding more and more that ties Nidal Hassan to terrorism and terrorists. Most recently we found out that his business cards were emblazoned with the initials SoA. This stands for nothing but Soldier of Allah. The military didn’t catch it. The FBI didn’t catch it. Do you know why? Because we live in such a PC country that you can’t ask questions about someone’s religion without bringing the wrath of the ACLU on your head. We need to get back to common sense instead of this political correctness baloney. If they would just have looked into him and his religion a little more, thirteen people would still be alive.

Lastly, it seems the last bastions of journalism are increasingly limited to people like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. (Not to mention An Informed Mind) No one seems to notice that Hassan was a radical MUSLIM and they are afraid to mention his religion. Americans know that there are a lot of good Muslims out there. But we also want to know that this evil we are fighting is Islamic Jihad, Islamofascism. All the 9/11 hijackers were Muslim, Hassan is Muslim and everyone that carried out the London, Madrid and Bombay bombings were Muslim. Until we open our eyes and realize that we are fighting radicalized Islam, we are going to continue to suffer these attacks.

There are my random thoughts. Feel free to comment and give me some of your own randomness. God Bless you all and GO BUCKEYES!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

MAX COSTUME | halloween 2009

i know it’s a bit late, but here’s a few quick pictures of my final MAX costume. big thanks to WINTER at leg avenue for making me this movie-legit costume. she put a lot of work putting in all the subtle details accurate to the movie (ie: buttons, whiskers, tail, bum fingerless gloves, etc). i couldn’t have been happier. now i just need to find more excuses to wear the costume on NON-HALLOWEEN days…

Jobs for 15/16 year olds....WHY CANT I FIND ONE!!!

well here is the problem i really need a job. although there are quite a few jobs out there for people my age, there are really far away (london for example). i did have a job distributing newspapers it wasnt much and i only got about £3 a week but it was something. 3 months later i got made redundant because the newspaper company ran out of money. i have found loads of jobs for me for example a pet sitting job but i cant travel 200 miles to get there, its stupid. my sister has a job and even though she dont like it much she gets about £17 for one day, which i think is pretty good. i just hope i get some money for christmas or a job really soon because i am fed up of borrowing my parents money to get stuff especially when i am going to college soon (hopefully) and i wanted to pay for my own things. also i only have 7 months of pocket-money left (i only get £5 a week so thats about £80 of pocket-money) but hopefully i get money on christmas and on my birthday. now that i think about i shall try to convince mum and dad to do a car boot sale in the spring/summer time so i can earn money.


To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.

November 13th is TWLOHA Day. Show your support and write “Love” on your arm and do something unexpectedly nice for someone else. Pass on some good cheer to encourage others.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In good times and bad....

This was a post written somewhere last month that I saved somewhere and did not find till this evening! I wrote it at a time when I was completely depressed and did not know what to do. No one could tell my depression, I put on a mask and shrouded myself with being sarcastic and indulging in lame humour.

I hate that I can pull of fake laughter and no one will get it, not even those closest to me. But life does fall apart and it does put me down. And it hurts when it kicks you in the nuts, even if you don’t have a pair.

But then sitting in my solitude, I decided to be thankful for life’s little moments. Everyday stuff that makes you smile, or seems funny in hindsight. And after I was done, it didn’t seem so bad anymore. I’ve inherited my dad’s genes of being a trooper, so I just sucked it up and went on with life.

So as I sat there, I remembered how many of us sniff our armpits to check for body odor. While that is okay, why do we do it in public view? In front of everyone, and then pretend we were stretching or reaching behind when we get caught. It’s funny.

Or trip up in public and then pretend like we were jogging or suddenly thought of a brilliant dance move. It doesn’t make you look like a jock or an amazing dancer. People will laugh anyway, why not fall and just make them laugh anyway?

How about the time, you’re standing up against the bar, acting suave and all that and the hottest person waves at you while walking towards you. Yea, you have that “I’m going to get lucky tonight” feeling, until he/she turns away 2 feet short of you and hugs the person she waved at. If there are friends around you, it can be embarrassing. More so, when you try to salvage the situation and walk up to a random person and try to make conversation. Solution: Never look anyone in the eye, it avoids strangers asking you for directions too. Mighty helpful.

Related: Someone catches you talking to yourself. There is no PROPER way to save face for this. You can’t sing or hum. You will just seem retarded. Also please let me know if you find a way to save yourself when someone walks into the room and catches you talking to yourself, saying “My god! (so and so’s) penis is huge!”

Or when walking up stairs in the dark and you aren’t entirely sure when you’ve reached the top but decide to lunge for that step anyway? Funny shit, I always end up doing it and stubbing my toes. I’m uncertain if doing that going up the stairs or down the stairs is more painful. Or funnier, when you get to the bottom, you do that feel-in-the-dark thing with your foot… but if you are like me, you just take the step anyway and land on your knees!

How about the time, you’re at a party and you’re trying to tell you’re best friend about the boy that slept with you and was being an asshole. The music is so loud, you need to yell. Just when you shout “ (Insert appropriate jerk name here) has the smallest penis ever!!” the music stops, silence settles and all eyes are on you. Pity if (insert appropriate jerk name here) is also at the party.

And someone please tell me, what are we to do about wedgies, I bunked that class in school. Is there a set protocol? I’ve searched and googled and yahooed (the search engine, not exclamation!) and failed miserably. I guess WE REALLY ARE ALONE on this one.  Either you be yourself and just go ahead and pick it out of your ass, or jiggle a little and hope it “wedges” its way out on its own, magically. OR do what I do – Don’t wear any underwear.

There’s so many more small things we tend to overlook, just because we get embarrassed and what not, but the truth is, it’s the small things that matter. For me, they do.



What to do if your arm falls off

In this chaotic world, we all deserve to laugh at least once a day!   I sometimes forget that, though, so I appreciate people who catch me off-guard and say something that makes me chuckle—especially if it happens when I least expect it.

Last Saturday, I went to the mall to get an H1N1 vaccination.  We’d heard they would have plenty of doses, and I had to be near there anyway, so I figured “what the heck…I’ll give it a shot.” (NO PUN INTENDED… )

At the mall, I walked up to the first table, gave them my name and address, went to another table and answered a question, and then went to yet another table for the injection. Of the two young nurses-in-training from NOC , one gave me a shot while the other one and I exchanged small talk.

When it was over, the “shot” girl gave me a handout with information about H1N1 symtoms, things to watch for after receiving the vaccine, etc. I asked if there was anything else I needed to know, and the “small talk” girl looked at me seriously and said, “If your arm falls off, pick it up.”

Is it just me or was that pretty funny?!

A Super Colossal Post

Although I was brought up Catholic, I have a laundry list of problems with organized religion.  It seems every faith, including the one I was raised with, always has some kind of bullet-point that manages to ostracize a group of people while simultaneously contradicting itself.  And whether you believe in a God or not, I think we can all agree that religious extremists, even when they come from faiths rooted in good morals, really only divide people further apart.  And if I’m not mistaken, Isn’t God supposed to bring people together?

Sorry to get all serious and whatnot, but what it boils down to is this: man created religion.  And like most things man creates, it is flawed.  And since it is flawed, it is open to scrutiny.  And since it is open to scrutiny, I get to make fun of it.  And what is my favorite religion to make fun of…


Oh what fun it is to insult a “legitimate” belief structure conceived by a science fiction writer in the 1950’s.  You know, I’ve only played in one band in my life, but both our name and logo were derived from the workings of that good ol’ nutjob L. Ron Hubbard.  Seriously, if the Polyphonic Spree & the Detroit Lions joined forces and established themselves as a religion, it still wouldn’t be as entertaining to make fun of as the Church of Scientology.  I only wish that I could actually sit through Battlefield Earth and learn more about Xenu & The Galactic Confederacy so that I could spew verbal abuse about Dianetics that much more effectively.

Perhaps you’re wondering, “Where the hell is this coming from all of a sudden?”  Well, I happened to be on MC Lars’s website tonight and stumbled upon this video. So without further ado I present “Scientology=WTF?”

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Man's Search for Meaning (Reaction)

The extent to which humans can hold to life: Limitless?
The lack of any meaning of life is highlighted to an extreme extent in Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning; deprivation of health, a sexual relationship, family, and happiness sparks confusion as to why the majority of depressed captives chose to persevere and hold to life. But, not only are the essential aspects of purposeful living taken from victims. They are also brutally tortured, physically—most were forced to work under ruthless conditions with little protection from frostbite and hypothermia, and most were also beaten for random, petty reasons. Choosing to live with suppressed mental health emphasizes the strong, innate human will to cherish values; obstinately fastening oneself to that choice under pitiable living conditions demonstrates the strength of human spirit and the common magnitude of improbable hopes. The difference between death and an agonizing life is based on the existential perception of each helpless individual—some view life in the concentration camps are a choice between a quick death and a protracted, miserable life that eventually ends in death. Frankl does not criticize those who choose suicide; he praises and analyzes those who choose life over death.

In the viewpoint of some suicidal hostages, working for Nazis is tantamount to working against their opponents; not all who selected “the easy way out” weighed their decision on persisting under conditions that could not guarantee happiness in the end. In addition, personal predicaments could have suggested a higher chance of death: Those prone to work accidents and diseases based on disabilities or previous experience with weak immune systems might have considered options and weighed more toward the a quick death. But despite these conditions, the vast majorities choose to struggle to survive.

The power of the human spirit is fascinating, and through his experiences in the concentration camps, Frankl allows the deepest magnitude of insight of the depth to which a human could go to preserve his life. Frankl reviews how the prisoners manage to move on, day by passing day, drawing attention to surprising methods that provided for the only source of happiness, no matter how fleeting and temporary. Many supported their dubious hopes with a religious foundation. There were occasions where sparse gatherings would allow captives to sing buoyant songs and recite optimistic poems, kindling lighthearted, futuristic thoughts. Talk of politics, regardless of its uncertainty, helped the workers believe they had better chances at leaving the concentration camps alive as well. Frankl provides an anecdote where he would try to keep humor at the forefront of conversation while working, which, for the most part, would concern ideal and futuristic life. In effect, frequent humor would overlap and cover up melancholy feelings of nostalgia.

These prisoners, trapped against their will in abominable conditions of the concentration camps: Why did they choose to survive? Unrelenting hope. How did they survive? Upbeat futuristic distractions. The Nazi’s took their meaning of life; they gave themselves a purpose for living. Frankl lived to tell the story.

Wait for life to happen r run after it?

Before I start lemme mention, my left had finger tips are swollen as if bee strung and little red.. any guesses? Yes, the guitar fever iso n again.. but this time i’m gonna learn it completely, at least enough to support the statement ‘ I know how to play a guitar’. lol!


Coming to what I’ve thought about a lot of times and felt too. Do you sit and wait for life you want to happen or run after it?


I feel like I’ve done a little of both. I’ve been doing this job and spending what probably might be the best years of my life, complaining and feeling not so good and then I’ve also tried to run after it by doing these things like the dance classes, swimming classes, something or the other to keep me busy and feel like I’m living a life. I know pursuing a hobby dosen’t seem lame, but when you go for it only to make yourself feel less of a loser and full of life, then I think you’re at a very wrong place altogether. The irony of all of this is that I don’t know where else I want to be if not here or how to get there… OMG! I’m such a loser!!!


How do you know what you want and if you do then how do get to it??

I know I’ve said this many times, but still no answers…


This shot taken today, maybe yesterday at noon of this gorgeous bloom in my front garden basking in the November sunshine. Nikon D50 and all associated settings.

The only light on in the room is the one over my desk while Seals and Croft play Summer Breeze. Baby’s head on my left shoulder and Snow cat asleep on the floor near my feet in a curled supine position. She tends to sleep on her back like that with not a care in the world. The cool autumn air is felt on my skin from the front door I left open. I like nights like this.

Tonight’s moon is strung up over the highschool football field–the heartbeat of Texoma. The night wind blows lost dreams across empty pastures whispering to swaying shadows. Next track on my collection of classics: Buffalo Springfield.

I tucked my sleepy baby in with a kiss on his forehead as a lock of my dark brown hair fell across his soft cheek. Closing the door halfway behind me, I went to the dark kitchen to fill a small bowl of Late Night Taco Doritos and sat down to write down my own dreams.

“There’s something happening here
What it is ain’t exactly clear”

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Tree Bridge

The leaves seethe amber:

dripping crimsons,

flaming orange,

and rusting golds.

The evening flushes green;

its third-eye brushes–

hushing umber twilight.

The color dries;

the sapphire sheens

expand the purple crown

into a horizon of violet wire.

The diamonds vibrate;

wet star edges leak,

cutting nano canyons–

the sidewalk chasms we fall in

when we walk there.

Stocking Up For Winter

      Tuesday my wife was putting laundry away and came across a pair of underwear- (I won’t tell you whose they were)   filled with small seeds.   “It’s a mouse“  I said- “Looks like you’ve found his   stash.”      The little bugger had been running back and forth from the kitchen counter to the laundry room carrying seeds.  I thought to myself-

A.-  That took a lot of trips and

B.- That mouse must have had self-control, that was  a lot of seeds to carry in  his cheeks- wouldn’t  he have  be temped to swallow them????

       There must be a little mouse in me because I’ve been having this urge to stock up for Winter.

  On Monday, Denny said  he was taking 2 beef to the locker to have butchered, wanted to know if I’d be interested in a 1/2 a beef-  at $2.00 a pound.    I asked my wife if that was a good deal- she said  “When 93% hamburger sells for $1.98 that’s a good price….So we ordered 1/4 a beef

(side note- Renee, when you read this- I decided I just couldn’t swap you Winston for 1/2 of a beef)

      We have 6 free range pigs currently plus our resident hog  Winston.   They go through a lot of food in a week, I’m having to buy corn  now because they’ve  rooted up most of the pasture-  So as I stood there Tuesday night  giving the pigs pieces of pumpkins we grew this year, I wondered  if the pumpkin patch South of town has any extra pumpkins they’d give away- Halloween is over and maybe they’re just going to throw them away.   So I stopped  Wednesday  night, talked briefly with the farmer….he wasn’t sure- you never know.  Thursday morning our phone rang-  It was the pumpkin farmer-  ”Was I the guy who stopped and asked about the pumpkins?”  Well, he’d thought about it and said there was a shed full of pumpkins he was going to have to throw away and it would help him out, if I came and got them.   Friday afternoon I hauled home almost 2 pick up loads of pumpkin. 

    We still have  about 40 bushels of Super Chief, Sun Crisp and Liberty apples for sale in the walk in cooler.

    There’s a fine line between having faith  the Almighty will provide and  personal responsibility.  I guess I’m taking my que from the mouse-  if they think it’s a good idea to stock up for winter then I do too.

Took a break from rodents for art

Today started the same as always which is always a smile getter,  
The sandhills came flying over the lake for breakfast.  I then checked the rat traps and nothing – no bodies, where do they hide? I even did what the Massey guy mentioned, he said to throw away all rotten fruit under the citrus trees because he said a pheromone is emitted from rotting fruit that draws rats from all over — perfect I thought and brought a rotting grapefruit in and put some of the pulp in the traps. It was obvious today that not all rats are drawn to rotting fruit!
The butterflies were busy and this one had gorgeous silver inlay on those delicate wings! It really glimmered metallic when the sun hit the underside. I didn’t capture it in the photo, but it was a fine Gulf Fritillary example.  Ran errands and saw this egret running through the parking lot near Marshall’s  He posed briefly but had places to go, so did I.
Back home the sky was gorgeous,   full of lines and swirls.  The planes were on their way to destinations unknown, but I am going to call the pilots that pass over the lake at night while I fish and ask them to wave.
They could drop off some peanuts on their way to Sanford.
I got dressed and ran over to the cutest little coffee spot in Debary, The White Cup coffeehouse at 17/92.  Two of the Gateway group members, Ed and his wife Nan were having a reception.   They were given excellent wall space by the owner who also serves a mean cup of different coffees, cold and hot, also tea and smoothies and she has a menu with many goodies.  
Ed and Nan  Cogle are world travelers and you could tell from both their art styles that they loved India.
What is also evident was their love of wildlife too.  Ed does photography, Nan had a mixed media approach.   They had a nice reception packing the innards of The White Cup.  I even met a guy who was just there to get a great cup of coffee and the art was a big bonus. Art IS a big bonus. I tried to get my family physician to get an art wall in his brand new doctors office he just moved into, but he didn’t. I think it would be welcomed by the patients to see photos and art by local artists on the walls as they sit and sit and sit. I would have even changed it out every couple months, that’s how it would work in Abbesworld, art would be much more employed and enjoyed by the public and as a means to inspire others. So if you are reading this and own a business, please give local artists a shot at displaying their work.
As I was about to leave, Ed was taking some photos,   I took some also to show you that you need to SUPPORT THE ARTS!  Go out to a gallery, check out the Heathrow Arts Festival at Colonial Town Park this weekend, or pick up a brush, pen, camera and make something. Find the artist inside yourself and maybe even discover something you didn’t know you could do.  And if you happen to be on your way from Sanford to Debary, stop by the White Cup and enjoy the owner, the beverages and the art. Also — please remember that next weekend  The Gateway Center for The Arts in Debary is having a Holiday Boutique with lots and lots of artists selling their goods for the holidays. There will be table after table of artwork for all  to enjoy.  So through the week I will keep bugging you to go.  I will have a table too so stop and say hello!
Now put away part of that paycheck of yours to buy something out of the ordinary for someone this holiday season – Buy local art!    

(pictured is a cup I will have for sale featuring my photograph, “lee’s alien dinner”)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tetes embun...

bagai tetes embun pagi.. sejuk di hati.. menhapuskan sedih.. cinta terikat di hati.. janji terpatri.. jadi makna berarti..

biarkan dunia ini menghamburkan senyum untuk kita.. tuk kita berdua..

betapa sucinya kasihmu.. yang mampu bersihkan jiwaku dari nista dan dosa yang ada di dunia ini..

sering kau ciptakan bahagia.. sering kau musnahkan nestapa.. hanya dirimu yang menggugah isi sanubariku..

*didedikasikan oleh KELIK (shakarepmu) untuk insan manusia*

Great excuse to eat lots of chocolate...

A rather interesting article;  that is if, like me, you always feel more glum at this time of the year.

A great excuse to get out and about during the day but then wrap up warmly, curl up with a good book and some chocolate in the evening. Or a glass of wine, whatever it is that makes you feel warm and cosy. This is not the time for healthy salads and fruit but for warm food and comfort. The only way to survive the daily annoyance of getting cold, wet and miserable is to have something to look forward to at the end of the day.

After all, as the above article highlights, all of nature feels the changes in the seasons too and why should we humans – who are but mere animals too -feel any different?!

XXX. The king's niece

In the dialected gyre of the Age of the Yequirthed Crisis:

Three sons and a daughter of a northern king,
Exiled in silence—
Nothing known of their unexplained crime and shame—
Are harassed by the fearsome army of the king’s niece,
A warrior much renowned for her great malice, cruelty of will,
And the thick veil shrouding her forehead and left eye.

Pity her, this gnawed figure of strange vibrant power
Wrapt in clouds of catastrophe half like blood,
Half like fire, forever in the shadow of her white brother,
Who died at ten years, his tongue thickened with poison.

By cause and reason of pain, and by reason of guilt,
She will endure the continuous suffering of one accursed;
Only to strangers in battle does she ever seem fortunate.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bruce Lee Would Be Able to Beat Me Up

This video isn’t new, but I have been long-remiss in never posting it. If you have ever played ping-pong and thought, “Hey, I could do this a lot better with nunchuks instead of a paddle,” this video is definitely for you. Apparently it’s an ad for Nokia in China, but regardless, it is a real video featuring Bruce Lee playing some ping-pong with the aforementioned nunchuks and then using them, with a bit of sandpaper, to light a cigarette. Awesome!

[With Leather]

I’m on the top of the moon today!

Was so cranky after school that I made quite a din during dinner time at BK with bf!
A din not as in shout or throw temper.. but more to super high!
He went to tell the BK auntie “sorry about her -.-”

DM Training, Monsoon and Full Moon

Ok, so I’ve been trying to find some internet stable enough to write this for a while and can’t really remember or be bothered to look back to see when I last wrote anything.

Currently I’m sitting in the Fishbowl at Ban’s with waves breaking under the  bar, every boat from the Gulf of Thailand is moored up as close to Sairee Beach as possible and monsoon is very much on its way! The forecast for today is 28 knott winds rain - lots of rain! Currently however its 27 degrees, sunny and I’m going fun diving this afternoon.

Dive Master course started yesterday and I was thrown in at the deep end being in boat master for the day on both the morning and afternoon dives. It was going well until we got to the first dive site and I attempted to get 36 people into the water with 3m swells; it later transpired that the water was full of jellyfish and a speedboat had to bring out more vinegar for all the stings.

November 2nd also saw a strange Thai ritual falling on the full moon and marking the start of monsoon season. W collected our negative thoughts and channelled them  into a woven basket of flowers and leaves before lighting a candle and floating it off into the bay to join about a thousand similar offerings.

Thinking about it I do remember the last thing I wanted to write about… the whale shark hunt at Chumpon. It didn’t go well, no whale shark, 1.5m visibility and a whole ocean full of jellyfish. Better luck next time eh?


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Juliette Lewis och kul

Konserten med Juliette Lewis var helt underbar! Musik, helt i min smak. Flummig rock, lite galet. Stod NÄSTAN längst fram och bara njöt!
Köpte en ursnygg hoodie som dom sålde där och pga av den fick jag en pekning och tummen upp av henne. ha ha ha! Yeah!

Efter konserten fick jag hälsa på Krister Linder. Han är en underbar människa och artist. Jag beundrar honom väldigt mycket! Blev lite star-struck och fick 2 kramar. he he he. Honom SKA jag plåta! Sen när hur osv återstår att lista ut…

Nu är Dan Reed på väg över och vi ska snacka igenom fotograferingen för imorgon. Jag är riktigt excited!

Idag har jag dock varit riktig mosig… Hjälpte min bror att flytta och rekade lite fotoplatser. Och så började min älskade lilla vovve att halta! Riktigt mycket till och med. Hon hoppar på tre ben. Jag tycker så synd om henne!!! Jag har kollat tassarna men dom verkar ok. Om det inte är bättre imorgon så får det bli veterinären. Fan, jag HATAR när ett djur lider!

Last dinner, I thought of someone.

Just finished our last dinner. Yups, today will be the last time this semester Unit 41 bicker over which groceries to buy, how to cook this, who to wash that. Haha.. We sure have come a loooong way!

From the very adventurous Pad Thai (with tao gei that Alvin didn’t pluck), curry chicken (that burnt the pot), baked dory with lemon (random dish that turned out not so bad) and many other dishes straight out from the recipie book Zest gave Cheeleng….. To cabbage, wong bok, cabbage, wong bok, soya sauce, oyster sauce, soya sauce, oyster sauce.

With finals looming near and alot of going-out planned after, there isn’t time anymore. Hopefully when we all go home this summer, we will pick up some decent culinary skills for next semester.

Anyway, to a very special friend of mine who is really stressed out now………….

“The struggles I’m facing
The chances I’m taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I’m not breaking”

Corporate Finance is just another mountain you will have to move. However hard this battle seems to be and when you think none of us know what you are going through, grit your teeth and perservere. We are waiting just on the other side.

Love ya babe, hang in there!!!! *hugs*


Tomorrow my favourite ahbinggege starts his new job. and new phase of life. One I hope is full of promise and potential. Be it promotions and recognition, I know you will earn them all. Jiayou!!!!

#19 Bragging about Scoring Epic Surf (a.k.a.- "You Missed Out!")

Surfers love the satisfaction that comes from scoring epic surf.  It rejuvenates the soul and replenishes the stoke meter like no other.  Fully spent and noodle armed, the surfer basks in the afterglow of an amazing surf sesh as they fondly reflect on their cornucopia of epic rides.  Bit by bit, the message that materializes to the surfer becomes glaringly obvious – they just got it good, really good!  The feeling of euphoria overwhelms the surfer like a powerful, tranquilizing drug.  Reluctant to call it last call on this après-surf party, the surfer clings to the only tool they have left in the arsenal – shamelessly bragging to others about how much they just scored!   It’s a gloat fest feeding frenzy of epic proportions!  No one will be spared the wrath of the bragging surfer’s propaganda.  Clear and simple, the message to all other surfers unlucky enough to bear witness to these attention seeking mongers rings loud and clear – “I scored and YOU MISSED OUT!!”

One might think that scoring epic surf in and of itself would be enough to satisfy even the most discerning surfer.  But sometimes the sheer enjoyment of scoring great surf just doesn’t cut it.  For these surfers, they need more, they need recognition!  Determined to get their day in the sun, these surfers cannot help but browbeat their fellow bros about how they just missed the most epic session ever (really???) or how waking up for the dawn patrol decidedly makes them a better person.  To make matters worse, in this technological age of hand held PDA devices and Web 2.0 social networking applications, no surfer is immune to the après-surf “You Missed Out” telecast.  The surfer will showcase their “all-time” surf sesh like a guest plug on the Jay Leno Show to all of their Facebook and Twitter friends as well as unleashing a barrage of voicemails and celebratory texts only to those bros who were NOT present.  It’s an unabashed cry for attention on the part of the bragging surfer which in no uncertain terms implies “I’m kind of a big deal!” and subsequently “Buy My Poster!!”  Inevitably on the day after scoring epic surf, the surfer will unleash their final ace in the hole while checking the waves.  When questioned by an unknowing surfer with a friendly “howsit look out there?” the response will ALWAYS be the quintessential surfer response of  “it’s o.k., but you should have been here yesterday.  It was Sooooo good!”  Next time, do yourself a favor and don’t bother to ask!  Rest assured you already know the answer.

(*Note -  When in the presence of a gloating surfer, do not attempt to impart your own story or embellish upon your most recent crappy surf sesh down the street as this will get you nowhere.  When in doubt, make up an excuse as to why you don’t have time to hear about their “all-time” surf sesh and run!!  If not, prepare to grit your teeth and settle in for a nice 20 minute infomercial on how they scored, you didn’t, and how you should really get your priorities straight.  If things get serious, they might even hand you a burned disc containing all of the photographic evidence of their sesh or invite you over to their house to watch the video.  Sweet!!!???)