Tuesday, January 12, 2010

V-Log #19 - CS Toys Package 9 and Announcements!

Well guys, the wait is over, and the items I’ve been waiting for most are finally here! Arriving today is Fang Memory, Beetle Phone, and S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Sasword! In this V-Log I also cover a really awesome picture thanks to KO-35 that can be seen below:

Why your packages don't arrive.

Click to View

Also, I quickly discuss DosmRiderBlog’s current project that I participated in. Please watch my video response, and his original video and give him all the support you can. Thanks!

Enjoy the V-Log! Congrats again to Ron for making Top Cut in Brighton!

[Via http://shukuenshinobi.wordpress.com]

Sunday, January 3, 2010

what exactly is it that ... ya do here?

i’m still not really sure what this blog is going to be about, or if i’ll invite family to come have a looksee or …??

for now, i’m mostly talking to myself.

or typing to myself.

and since my life is drab right now  (just the way i like it)

i’m going to talk about a few mundane things…

like… movies

we went to see Up in the Air tonight

it was good. and quite a “save” on Clooney’s part considering his last movie induced my sleep about 5 minutes in until 5 minutes shy of the credits

the movie is … pleasantly pointless.

but full of value

if that makes any sense at all

and it probably doesn’t

however… clooney is still very easy on the eyes


day two of the “Digital Cleanse”

has gone fairly well. this might be easier than i thought.

although… my “job” keeps me at a desk all day

so i’m still very dependent on the internet to run my business

but as for the “cleanse”

i haven’t used my phone to text. surf facebook. twitter. etc

in fact, i took it a step further and discontinued the use of my favorite New App, Words with Friends

i thought my friends might be a little disappointed to not be in text contact with me

but they’re not. hmmmmm

food for thought?

of course, it’s day two. five left.

all in all – this is easier than i thought. the thing i want to do most is update my  Twitter Account.

i don’t really ever use facebook to look at people’s profiles. i link twitter and facebook and then watch people respond to my twitter updates

which are, in most cases, absolutely ridiculous

selfish, perhaps, but completely honest

today i realized it was saturday

about 10 hours into the day

and that highly frustrated me

i’m so off balance

i need a regroup

today was nice. nice with no phone. and no attachment to the WORLD, but rather limited to the people within close proximity.

the kid, significant other, and i decorated a gingerbread christmas tree

fashionably late, yes

but i assure you that is the LEAST of our problems here

for starters… one should always read the destructions when they are included in photo form on the box

since the SO has MAJOR lackage of kitchen supplies such as  MEASURING SPOONS

(because he’s a man and doesn’t bake … that’s his excuse)

i had to guesstimate how much water to add to the powdered sugar to make frosting

i overshot this by, i dunno ……….. a cup?

what’s the big difference between 1.5 tablespoons of water and a cup of water?

i’ll tell you:  it’s a 40 minute card ride around neighborhood stores – Walgreens, Target, the Asian grocery store, and finally…. Walmart

in search of a bag of powdered sugar

because the SO also lacks powdered sugar in his house

(for reasons, see above annotation)

why didn’t i give up? because i didn’t want to dissapoint the offspring by telling him we weren’t going to be able to decorate the tree

because i had been promising we’d “do it tomorrow” since a week before Christmas

we arrive home with said sugar

only to see that the offspring is not interested in making the tree anymore, now that he has the spoons of frosting to lick

the SO and i make this tree. and we find it quite humorous and embarassing in the same thread

yeah. we’re pretty “special”

after the movie, my cousin and i pulled out our recipe book to make pork chops for dinner

but that didn’t go as suggested. instead, we made up a recipe as we went along

and this is healthy. promise.

it’s a cumin-black pepper porkchop with a yogurt/marmalade glaze topped with a couple of pieces of cooked pineapple


in the, unlikely event, that we ate too many calories… we worked it off by embarking on a 5 hour spring cleaning


it’s now 5am. and i’m exhausted. and gonna go ahead and call this one a wrap.

[Via http://insanityhere.wordpress.com]

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I’ve watched seasons 1 and 2, but I saw an episode from season 3 on Channel 7 the other night and now I want this boxset like crazy just to have a marathon! I miss 30 Rock. Tina Fey is freaking awesome. Oh, and damn you, Channel 7, for airing 30 Rock at midnight or whatever. *shakes fist* I am going to buy myself this once I get my pay, and it’ll be worth the 60 or 70 bucks it is. Looking forward to an evening of laughs once I get my hands on this baby.

Happy new year to everyone. It’s a day or so late but whatever, right? We’ve all heard the same thing over and over again. Hope 2010 will be as great as you want it to be.

Goodbye and take care.

[Via http://toyoufromme.wordpress.com]

Thursday, December 31, 2009

bye bye 2009....

Give me some sunshine

Give me some rain

Give me another chance

I wanna grow up…once again!

Welcome 2010!

Its just another day,but a special one….we all know y?

Its New Year……1 january

We call it a new beginning,new resolutions,new year…but hey today is someone’s birthday…its our own earth! 

Today Earth has come back right at the same place it started a year ago!

and The Earth sings merrily-:

Give me some sunshine

Give me some rain

Give me another chance

I wanna grow up once again!!!

and here it  again starts its journey to come back again at the same point an year later…….

[Via http://iamexploring.wordpress.com]

Common Scents

I have trouble believing that the average werewolf could stand living in a big city for any extended period of time.  Oh, I can do vampires, I’ve always wondered why the nasal passages not only avoided decomposition, but actually got better.  Yet for any of the animalistic beasties how could you stand it?  Wolfbane nose balm to dull the senses perhaps?  Or maybe the urban fantasy homeless wolf man bit works best.  Get yourself stinking so badly you can’t smell anything beyond yourself. 

To be fair, animals do live in the cities.  From pets to birds to rats to the wild things that have nowhere to go but the garbage bins when they are looking for dinner.  I suppose if raccoons and coyotes can brave a city out of necessity, so could a loopy garou.  Perhaps even the smells that turn a human stomach smell delightful to something on four legs.  Still, a city would have to be an assault on the senses.  Especially if we are following the cursed mythology, where they start as human and then burst into their new senses.  Sounds a great way to end up right in the mental care ward.

Where did todays line of randomness come from?  A new and exciting book or movie?  No, unfortunately.  Although I do hear they are doing a wolf man remake that looks intriguing.  You see, today was a rainy day, and a slow, drizzly rain at that.  After a few hours the French Quarter starts to smell somewhat like an aquarium with a burnt out filter, right at the point where any sane goldfish would try to evolve wings in a desperate attempt to escape.  Between wet mule leavings and drenched trash cans, I felt my nose shut down in whimpering protest and wanted nothing more than to curl up with a bone under the couch.

Hey, I said in the beginning this would be an odd and random blog.

It’s been a random and frustrating week, full of conflicts internal and external.  I try to find my joy in simple and strange thoughts and events.  There was a lovely trio on Royal St. last night singing Day O with such rhythm that Belafonte would have smiled and joined on in.  I stayed, I tipped, I danced a few steps knowing full well I can’t dance and not giving a damn.  It did my mood wonders.

That was last night.  Today it was rain, and me having to dash through my errands so I could get out of it before nausea overwhelmed me.  Most days I can shut out the sounds and smells of the city to protect sanity.  Today, not so much, but I can take the miserable experience and twist it into a ramble to amuse myself.  Hopefully the same nuttiness will amuse others as well.

Todays question to throw out there, modern adaptation of myth, anyone have any favorites?  Not so much the big stories that have been redone, like who is doing the most recent King Arthur.  More along the lines of taking small bits of folklore and weaving them into a new setting.  One of my favorites was always Poul Anderson’s Operation Chaos, with a witch who used to work marketing pr to convince elementals and spirits to obey modern symbols, and a werewolf who uses a Kodak brand moon flash that lets him transform any day of the week.  Any favorite examples or even random ideas from out there in the ether?

[Via http://johnvise.wordpress.com]

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

...Closing 2009

Again, end of year ritual…Making Resolution :D
However, let me review this soon to be passed 2009, have I achieved the end of year 2008 resolution?
I don’t quite remember the resolution I made though… I’m sure I scribbled it down somewhere, but I can’t find it …

Anyhow… let me just write down things that I think I had made resolution on…

I’m sure I made the resolution to move on and make peace to my past. So I’m happy to say that I have achieved it…. Not fully, I would be boastful if I said that I have 100 percent succeeding in that area…The road to peace is rocky. My past came back to life at most unpredictable time, and to make it worse, some new facts were disclosed. I stumbled few times, fell down, but thankfully I regained the strength to stand back up and walk forward. And by the end of this year, I am happy to say that at least I’m over it, by 90 percent or maybe more.. who knows. Thank’s to Him and him.

What else…. Travelling-related resolution, I don’t remember making any resolution on travelling…but I MUST had made travel resolution… I had to be crazy if I didn’t.  Well, on this, I must say 2009 was a good year. Although not much travelling this year but I went to some awesome places… I visited Japan, the visit was a WOW…. And then I went to Singapore for the very first time… it’s weird, I mean, having my sister worked there for 2 years plus now, didn’t really encourage me to visit the country. But then, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical show CATS is showing on the esplanade… now, that made Singapore worth to visit. The show was also, off course, a WOW. It was awesome… And I did some domestic travelling… suppose to visit South Korea this last year but it was cancelled. All in all, 2009 was a very good year when it comes to travel…

Job-related resolution, again, I don’t remember for exact what kind of resolution I have made on this area, whether I made one or not…. But things have been smooth sailing, although some small storms did happen, but nothing I couldn’t handle. It’s not at the very best the way I had wished it to be, but it’s not too bad either… although now I’m not so sure on the “smooth sailing” thing… perhaps actually it was and is not smooth sailing after all, even though the surface is smooth and calm, the current down under is viciously brutal, I have began to learn that. I have to take some action of precaution, which would become one of my next year resolutions.

Okay, what else… my money habit. I must say I’m quite happy in this area. No no no, I’m not turning into some super rich freak…. Not yet… I wish I would though…. But I think my money habit is getting better. I’m not so sloppy as I used to, spending money without much thoughts and no regards at all to long term financial planning. I would say, 2009 is the year I started to step in to a wiser plate in the term of financial planning.  2009 is only the starting point, I hope it gets better by this coming year 2010. and ow, the highlight… I invest in property…. (yeah yeah yeah, long term debt sucks, but I hope I can manage). It was a surprise of occurrence. I mean, who would expect that I actually able to manage the cash flow and come to a decision that I’m actually ready for it, owning a house….

Last but not least… on relationship term…. Well… it’s been great, with some ups and downs…..  but well…. no meaningful progress… I guess we are now  at square 2 or 3 or somewhere around it, while by this time we should have been at square 5 already. Things have just been difficult in some area, we cannot do anything but cope. It’s been going on for so long at some points it feels like walking on a big plateau, where I cannot or have not seen the finish line on the horizon.. Sometimes i feel like walking together, but other times i feel like I’m walking alone…  I just hope and pray I walk at the right direction and not get lost or giving up in the middle of the journey… but really… I do hope to see silver lining soon… very soon….

Wow… it’s long….

I better put a stop here…

Reading for too long is not good for one’s health…

[Via http://nengsyalala.wordpress.com]

The Decade In Radiohead

“What we’re trying to do now is make art without fear”

Radiohead is one of those bands that you either get or you don’t. To “get” Radiohead is quite a beautiful and rewarding thing. My love affair with this band is ,by far, one of the musical highlights of my decade. In the new Rolling Stone  magazine, Radiohead lovers can enjoy a deeper look into the heart and mind of Radiohead.  Click here.

[Via http://kroq.radio.com]