Thursday, December 31, 2009

Common Scents

I have trouble believing that the average werewolf could stand living in a big city for any extended period of time.  Oh, I can do vampires, I’ve always wondered why the nasal passages not only avoided decomposition, but actually got better.  Yet for any of the animalistic beasties how could you stand it?  Wolfbane nose balm to dull the senses perhaps?  Or maybe the urban fantasy homeless wolf man bit works best.  Get yourself stinking so badly you can’t smell anything beyond yourself. 

To be fair, animals do live in the cities.  From pets to birds to rats to the wild things that have nowhere to go but the garbage bins when they are looking for dinner.  I suppose if raccoons and coyotes can brave a city out of necessity, so could a loopy garou.  Perhaps even the smells that turn a human stomach smell delightful to something on four legs.  Still, a city would have to be an assault on the senses.  Especially if we are following the cursed mythology, where they start as human and then burst into their new senses.  Sounds a great way to end up right in the mental care ward.

Where did todays line of randomness come from?  A new and exciting book or movie?  No, unfortunately.  Although I do hear they are doing a wolf man remake that looks intriguing.  You see, today was a rainy day, and a slow, drizzly rain at that.  After a few hours the French Quarter starts to smell somewhat like an aquarium with a burnt out filter, right at the point where any sane goldfish would try to evolve wings in a desperate attempt to escape.  Between wet mule leavings and drenched trash cans, I felt my nose shut down in whimpering protest and wanted nothing more than to curl up with a bone under the couch.

Hey, I said in the beginning this would be an odd and random blog.

It’s been a random and frustrating week, full of conflicts internal and external.  I try to find my joy in simple and strange thoughts and events.  There was a lovely trio on Royal St. last night singing Day O with such rhythm that Belafonte would have smiled and joined on in.  I stayed, I tipped, I danced a few steps knowing full well I can’t dance and not giving a damn.  It did my mood wonders.

That was last night.  Today it was rain, and me having to dash through my errands so I could get out of it before nausea overwhelmed me.  Most days I can shut out the sounds and smells of the city to protect sanity.  Today, not so much, but I can take the miserable experience and twist it into a ramble to amuse myself.  Hopefully the same nuttiness will amuse others as well.

Todays question to throw out there, modern adaptation of myth, anyone have any favorites?  Not so much the big stories that have been redone, like who is doing the most recent King Arthur.  More along the lines of taking small bits of folklore and weaving them into a new setting.  One of my favorites was always Poul Anderson’s Operation Chaos, with a witch who used to work marketing pr to convince elementals and spirits to obey modern symbols, and a werewolf who uses a Kodak brand moon flash that lets him transform any day of the week.  Any favorite examples or even random ideas from out there in the ether?


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