Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lovely Randomness

I was having a conversation with some co-workers and I have to say it was a very random conversation. I had noticed how one of the manager’s offices had a white erase board hanging in it and commented on how much I LOVE white boards. Mainly they are a free space to work out math or physics problems for me and I love it!! Someone then commented on how they preferred chalk boards. From there, somehow we got on to Einstein’s theory of relativity and how there is not reality where light does not exist and someone commented on how that would stink because their glow sticks wouldn’t work. Another person thought they said “chap-stick” instead of “glow-stick” and brought up that it is good for you as well as Aveeno lotion. Needless to say, everyone was confused with the comment and the conversation went onto another tangent.

I love those types of conversations. They flow easily without thought because you are making tiny associations that lead your train of thought away from the original one. Sometimes I sit there thinking to myself and go back through my train of thought and figure out the path I took to get from the original thought to the current thought. Usually they are completely irrelevant to each other and it’s always entertaining. Thought I’d share my randomness ^_^ Have a good weekend!!!

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