Thursday, December 3, 2009

Jihad draws young men across globe back to Somalia

From the Star Tribune:

Now it’s clear that the Twin Cities disappearances were far from an isolated case.

“The fact that it’s overseas, I think, just says it’s bigger than anybody imagined,” said Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism specialist at Georgetown University. “Every dimension of it seems to be larger and more complex than we originally assumed. More youths went than we originally thought. It’s more clear that there is an Al-Qaida link with Al-Shabaab than initially assumed. And it’s not just Somali youths from America who are going there. It’s every dimension.”

“The people recruiting them are skilled at this, and they will use the messages they think will be most effective and they are going to tailor those messages to different people,” he said. “It may be patriotic motives, it may be some purpose in life [the recruit is] not finding otherwise. It may be rebels with a cause. A good recruiter will identify whatever will work with that person.”

More via Jihad draws young men across globe back to Somalia. Previous related posts here.


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