Tuesday, December 29, 2009

...Closing 2009

Again, end of year ritual…Making Resolution :D

However, let me review this soon to be passed 2009, have I achieved the end of year 2008 resolution?

I don’t quite remember the resolution I made though… I’m sure I scribbled it down somewhere, but I can’t find it …

Anyhow… let me just write down things that I think I had made resolution on…

I’m sure I made the resolution to move on and make peace to my past. So I’m happy to say that I have achieved it…. Not fully, I would be boastful if I said that I have 100 percent succeeding in that area…The road to peace is rocky. My past came back to life at most unpredictable time, and to make it worse, some new facts were disclosed. I stumbled few times, fell down, but thankfully I regained the strength to stand back up and walk forward. And by the end of this year, I am happy to say that at least I’m over it, by 90 percent or maybe more.. who knows. Thank’s to Him and him.

What else…. Travelling-related resolution, I don’t remember making any resolution on travelling…but I MUST had made travel resolution… I had to be crazy if I didn’t.  Well, on this, I must say 2009 was a good year. Although not much travelling this year but I went to some awesome places… I visited Japan, the visit was a WOW…. And then I went to Singapore for the very first time… it’s weird, I mean, having my sister worked there for 2 years plus now, didn’t really encourage me to visit the country. But then, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical show CATS is showing on the esplanade… now, that made Singapore worth to visit. The show was also, off course, a WOW. It was awesome… And I did some domestic travelling… suppose to visit South Korea this last year but it was cancelled. All in all, 2009 was a very good year when it comes to travel…

Job-related resolution, again, I don’t remember for exact what kind of resolution I have made on this area, whether I made one or not…. But things have been smooth sailing, although some small storms did happen, but nothing I couldn’t handle. It’s not at the very best the way I had wished it to be, but it’s not too bad either… although now I’m not so sure on the “smooth sailing” thing… perhaps actually it was and is not smooth sailing after all, even though the surface is smooth and calm, the current down under is viciously brutal, I have began to learn that. I have to take some action of precaution, which would become one of my next year resolutions.

Okay, what else… my money habit. I must say I’m quite happy in this area. No no no, I’m not turning into some super rich freak…. Not yet… I wish I would though…. But I think my money habit is getting better. I’m not so sloppy as I used to, spending money without much thoughts and no regards at all to long term financial planning. I would say, 2009 is the year I started to step in to a wiser plate in the term of financial planning.  2009 is only the starting point, I hope it gets better by this coming year 2010. and ow, the highlight… I invest in property…. (yeah yeah yeah, long term debt sucks, but I hope I can manage). It was a surprise of occurrence. I mean, who would expect that I actually able to manage the cash flow and come to a decision that I’m actually ready for it, owning a house….

Last but not least… on relationship term…. Well… it’s been great, with some ups and downs…..  but well…. no meaningful progress… I guess we are now  at square 2 or 3 or somewhere around it, while by this time we should have been at square 5 already. Things have just been difficult in some area, we cannot do anything but cope. It’s been going on for so long at some points it feels like walking on a big plateau, where I cannot or have not seen the finish line on the horizon.. Sometimes i feel like walking together, but other times i feel like I’m walking alone…  I just hope and pray I walk at the right direction and not get lost or giving up in the middle of the journey… but really… I do hope to see silver lining soon… very soon….

Wow… it’s long….

I better put a stop here…

Reading for too long is not good for one’s health…

[Via http://nengsyalala.wordpress.com]

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